
Discover the incredible power and ease of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into your sales and marketing strategies with our comprehensive training course. Whether you're a seasoned executive or just getting started in the business world, you'll find this course to be an accessible and informative introduction to the world of AI.

With our self-paced format, you can move through the material at your own speed and delve deeper into the topics that interest you most. Our expert instructors will guide you through the world of generative AI and show you how it can be leveraged to boost creativity, streamline workflows, and drive results for your organization.

Best of all, completing this course will earn you an "AI Aware" certificate of completion that demonstrates your proficiency and understanding of this vital subject. You'll gain valuable insights into the ethical considerations and limitations of AI, as well as practical strategies for integrating it effectively into your sales and marketing efforts.

By the end of this course, you'll have a solid foundation in the potential of generative AI, and be fully equipped to take advantage of this powerful technology in your organization. So why wait? Start your AI journey today with our easy-to-follow primer course!


Discover the incredible power and ease of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into your sales and marketing strategies with our comprehensive training course. Whether you're a seasoned executive or just getting started in the business world, you'll find this course to be an accessible and informative introduction to the world of AI.

With our self-paced format, you can move through the material at your own speed and delve deeper into the topics that interest you most. Our expert instructors will guide you through the world of generative AI and show you how it can be leveraged to boost creativity, streamline workflows, and drive results for your organization.

Best of all, completing this course will earn you an "AI Aware" certificate of completion that demonstrates your proficiency and understanding of this vital subject. You'll gain valuable insights into the ethical considerations and limitations of AI, as well as practical strategies for integrating it effectively into your sales and marketing efforts.

By the end of this course, you'll have a solid foundation in the potential of generative AI, and be fully equipped to take advantage of this powerful technology in your organization. So why wait? Start your AI journey today with our easy-to-follow primer course!


Hospitality Business Operation Digitalization & AI

Optimize Hotel Operations With Digital Transformation Through Artificial Intelligence

25% of CEOs in the tourism and hospitality sectors believe AI will have a significant impact on their business models during the next five years. At least eight of the top hotel chains in the world have included VR in their marketing strategies and had an increase in online revenue of up to 135%.

Hotels will now deal with a different type of customer, one who has evolved to the digital environment and expects digital solutions from sources. This implies that the digital transformation of hotels is no longer a possibility.

Digital transformation It is no longer a "nice to have" but rather a requirement to meet both planner and guest standards and keep up with modern times, and without meeting certain expectations will be hard to keep up in this high-competition business.

Most important Hospitality professionals will need to gain new skills to keep up with the evolving digital environment.

You will be guided through everything you need to understand about digital transformation and ai in the hospitality sector. Will guide you through the digital transformation stages of AI technologies that can be used in the hospitality business and reasons why and how digital transformation in the hospitality business must be implemented to stay on top in this competitive market. Also will be discussing the most required skills for hoteliers in this ai era.

So let's get the digitalization party started!


Hospitality Business Operation Digitalization & AI

Optimize Hotel Operations With Digital Transformation Through Artificial Intelligence

25% of CEOs in the tourism and hospitality sectors believe AI will have a significant impact on their business models during the next five years. At least eight of the top hotel chains in the world have included VR in their marketing strategies and had an increase in online revenue of up to 135%.

Hotels will now deal with a different type of customer, one who has evolved to the digital environment and expects digital solutions from sources. This implies that the digital transformation of hotels is no longer a possibility.

Digital transformation It is no longer a "nice to have" but rather a requirement to meet both planner and guest standards and keep up with modern times, and without meeting certain expectations will be hard to keep up in this high-competition business.

Most important Hospitality professionals will need to gain new skills to keep up with the evolving digital environment.

You will be guided through everything you need to understand about digital transformation and ai in the hospitality sector. Will guide you through the digital transformation stages of AI technologies that can be used in the hospitality business and reasons why and how digital transformation in the hospitality business must be implemented to stay on top in this competitive market. Also will be discussing the most required skills for hoteliers in this ai era.

So let's get the digitalization party started!

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming one of the most important technologies of our time, with the potential to revolutionize industries and change the way we live and work. There are already people out there who are using these tools to make millions of dollars. What’s different between you and them is that they know how to use it. It is as simple as that. As such, it is more important than ever to educate oneself on the latest developments in AI and understand the potential impact it could have on your business."Either adapt or get left behind." This is possibly one of the largest opportunities in this century, and you don’t want to miss out.

Sounds overwhelming? Don’t worry, I will get you on your journey to unlock the power of AI in your business. Ready to get ahead? Let’s get started!


Topics: Overview over the AI market, an AI Crash Course, Use-Cases of AI in business, and How to Start with a 5-step framework

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, you'll know everything important about AI - no prior knowledge needed! You'll also be able to apply this information and implement AI in your own business. 

For who is the course meant for?

For people in business who want to educate themselves on the topic of AI.


4 section with 4-5 lectures each + Exercise at the end

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming one of the most important technologies of our time, with the potential to revolutionize industries and change the way we live and work. There are already people out there who are using these tools to make millions of dollars. What’s different between you and them is that they know how to use it. It is as simple as that. As such, it is more important than ever to educate oneself on the latest developments in AI and understand the potential impact it could have on your business."Either adapt or get left behind." This is possibly one of the largest opportunities in this century, and you don’t want to miss out.

Sounds overwhelming? Don’t worry, I will get you on your journey to unlock the power of AI in your business. Ready to get ahead? Let’s get started!


Topics: Overview over the AI market, an AI Crash Course, Use-Cases of AI in business, and How to Start with a 5-step framework

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, you'll know everything important about AI - no prior knowledge needed! You'll also be able to apply this information and implement AI in your own business. 

For who is the course meant for?

For people in business who want to educate themselves on the topic of AI.


4 section with 4-5 lectures each + Exercise at the end


元内閣府新AI戦略検討に携わっていた尾原和啓さんを講師としてお迎えし、Udemy大人気講師・酒井潤さんがファシリテーターとしてChat GPT, 生成系AIについてお伺いしていきます。

  • 講師紹介:尾原和啓さん

    京都大学大学院工学研究科応用システム専攻人工知能論講座修了。マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニーにてキャリアをスタートし、NTTドコモのiモード事業立ち上げ支援、リクルート、ケイ・ラボラトリー(現:KLab、取締役)、コーポレートディレクション、サイバード、電子金券開発、リクルート(2回目)、オプト、Google、楽天(執行役員)の事業企画、投資、新規事業に従事 内閣府新AI戦略検討、経産省 対外通商政策委員等を歴任。NHK「令和ネット論」にて「DX」「メタバース・NFT」を解説。

    ※講座イメージ プロフィール写真撮影:的野弘路氏


元内閣府新AI戦略検討に携わっていた尾原和啓さんを講師としてお迎えし、Udemy大人気講師・酒井潤さんがファシリテーターとしてChat GPT, 生成系AIについてお伺いしていきます。

  • 講師紹介:尾原和啓さん

    京都大学大学院工学研究科応用システム専攻人工知能論講座修了。マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニーにてキャリアをスタートし、NTTドコモのiモード事業立ち上げ支援、リクルート、ケイ・ラボラトリー(現:KLab、取締役)、コーポレートディレクション、サイバード、電子金券開発、リクルート(2回目)、オプト、Google、楽天(執行役員)の事業企画、投資、新規事業に従事 内閣府新AI戦略検討、経産省 対外通商政策委員等を歴任。NHK「令和ネット論」にて「DX」「メタバース・NFT」を解説。

    ※講座イメージ プロフィール写真撮影:的野弘路氏

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ChatGPT & Google BARD are advanced language model that uses artificial intelligence to generate human-like responses to user inputs. With its ability to understand natural language and context, ChatGPT & Google BARD have a wide range of potential use cases across various industries. This course will provide an introduction to ChatGPT and explore its applications in customer service, marketing, and more.

In the customer service industry, ChatGPT & Google BARD can be used to automate responses to frequently asked questions, reducing the need for human agents and improving response times.

What People Are Saying About Us:

There are many introductory courses on ChatGPT. This course is easy to digest, and there are some practical use cases that I will be able to use immediately.

-Steven Kelly-

It was very good . I learned a lot from this course . Thank You

-Disha Prajapat-

Outstanding this course

-Prem Ghosh-

In marketing, ChatGPT & Google BARD can be used to generate personalized recommendations and responses to customer inquiries, creating a more engaging and interactive customer experience. ChatGPT & Google BARD can also be used in healthcare to assist with patient consultations and medical diagnosis, and in finance to automate customer support and account management.

Throughout the course, learners will gain a thorough understanding of how Google BARD & ChatGPT work and how they can be implemented in various settings. Students will learn how it can be implemented in their daily lives from assignment help to creating a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for a particular piece of machinery. For ChatGPT students they will learn how it can be used in:

  • Canva,

  • MS Powerpoint

  • MS Excel

  • YouTube

This course covers some of the applications to using ChatGPT & Google BARD in modern day contexts!

starstarstarstar_half star_border

ChatGPT & Google BARD are advanced language model that uses artificial intelligence to generate human-like responses to user inputs. With its ability to understand natural language and context, ChatGPT & Google BARD have a wide range of potential use cases across various industries. This course will provide an introduction to ChatGPT and explore its applications in customer service, marketing, and more.

In the customer service industry, ChatGPT & Google BARD can be used to automate responses to frequently asked questions, reducing the need for human agents and improving response times.

What People Are Saying About Us:

There are many introductory courses on ChatGPT. This course is easy to digest, and there are some practical use cases that I will be able to use immediately.

-Steven Kelly-

It was very good . I learned a lot from this course . Thank You

-Disha Prajapat-

Outstanding this course

-Prem Ghosh-

In marketing, ChatGPT & Google BARD can be used to generate personalized recommendations and responses to customer inquiries, creating a more engaging and interactive customer experience. ChatGPT & Google BARD can also be used in healthcare to assist with patient consultations and medical diagnosis, and in finance to automate customer support and account management.

Throughout the course, learners will gain a thorough understanding of how Google BARD & ChatGPT work and how they can be implemented in various settings. Students will learn how it can be implemented in their daily lives from assignment help to creating a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for a particular piece of machinery. For ChatGPT students they will learn how it can be used in:

  • Canva,

  • MS Powerpoint

  • MS Excel

  • YouTube

This course covers some of the applications to using ChatGPT & Google BARD in modern day contexts!